change a life | piedmont mexico mission trip

Friday, November 6, 2015
Debbi DiMaggio

Mexico Trip

It is no secret, Piedmont is an affluent community. And with that comes great responsibility. On November 5th, 2015 the PCC “Mexico Magic” Boosters Club was born. Thank you to Debi Hemmeter for spearheading the movement, gathering like minded board members and organizing the launch party.

What is the Mexico Mission Trip? Excerpt from the Piedmont Community Church “Every Spring, more than two hundred high school students and adult leaders head South to build houses  for disadvantaged communities in Mexico. In 2015, 224 students and 50 adult volunteers built 17 houses in one week!” But that is just the tip of the iceberg.


Chase Mexico

What’s more, the Mexico Mission trip, as told by passionate parents and teens, is an incredible, amazing and transformational experience. Each parent and each team leader shared their personal story to a interested audience. As parents who have sent our students to Mexico, over spring break, we know. Each student who attends comes back different. Students connect in a way they aren’t moved to in school. Students are saved. Chase came home one time and shared how a student who had been very depressed actually, suicidal, was so moved by the trip and felt so connected with his peers he/she was truly saved. Whatever it is that happens South of the Border is certainly something that must continue…  must continue for the lives of our own children as much as for the children living in substandard conditions.

Although Piedmont is an affluent community not all families have the disposable income for extras. Mexico Magic* now exists so all Piedmont students can apply for a scholarship and experience the journey.

To hear their stories is truly amazing and as always for me, a tearjerker. Unfortunately I never did attend the Mexico trip. To be honest, I am not a camper and would not be comfortable in that environment, although I know both kids and students just love it! And two, the poverty and sadness would be too much for me to handle. Tears stream down my face at every Mexico presentation and recap, and last night was no different. I simply cannot control the tears that well up and drain down the sides of my cheeks. Bianca would always tell me when I would ask her how she dealt with the sadness on her various trips to third world countries, and her answer was always the same, “they are happy mom, they don’t know any other way of life”.  And she was happy, as was Chase, when they were in Mexico.

Mex Trip

Rev Scott Kail thanked the students for participating in the Mexico Trip to build homes during their Spring Break. The kids were quick to respond that they were the ones thankful to Scott for taking them on this journey. “A trip of a lifetime” was the common theme throughout the entire presentation.

It’s really quite hard to imagine, so take a peak at the video at the bottom of my blog below, and see for yourself. ( You won’t see what we hear about, but it doesn’t seem to be discussed. The hungry dogs, dogs with three legs, no floors or sidewalks, no closets or clean clothes. )

If you would like to donate even $50.00 your donation will make the difference in the life of a Piedmont student, as well as in the life of a Mexican family South of the Border. So close, yet so far (and so dramatically different) away.

I must admit, we didn’t let our daughter Bianca go to Mexico because I was afraid it was too dangerous. I recall the time her friends went down and were led in by armored guards in a caravan down to their camp. It was during the time the Mexican cartels were assassinating police and the country was in turmoil. I just couldn’t let her go. In her senior year we, well, I finally succumbed. And our son Chase attended all 4 years and was a team leader his senior year. I recall to this day, Chase and Andrew, Adam and I were coming back from the Four Seasons in Carlsbad having just left Disneyland and we finally got the call. Bianca was back over the border. The relief I felt can still be felt as I write. We asked what she thought? And she replied, “it was the best ever!” And oh, I was in trouble I hadn’t let her go sooner. Chase and Andrew chimed in, ” we are definitely going all four years!” I knew at that moment there would be no arguing that fact. ( And I am glad the tiger mom in me allowed him to go. )

Leadership, passion, sensitivity, heart, strong bonds, new friends, barriers broken, equality, life changing, improve the life of another, common ground, inspirational, transformational, life altering, compassion, are just a few phrases and words that come to mind when I think of the Mexico Mission Trip.

Learn more about the PCC Mexico Magic Boosters Club give me a call, go to the PCC Website or send a check to Debi Hemeter | c/o PCC 400 Highland Avenue, Piedmont, CA 94611

Take the journey.


The PCC Mexico Magic Piedmont Boosters is new, so forgive me as I don’t have all the facts, but I do believe funds may be slated for cement and other home building tools as well. For those who are interested in where the funds will go can learn more by contacting Scott Kail at the Piedmont Community Church or Founder, Debi Hemmeter.

PCC “Mexico Magic” Booster Club – our mission is to leverage the success of the Mexico mission trip to increase both engagement with the Piedmont community and giving so that PCC has the resources to maintain and develop important programs aimed at the wellbeing of Piedmont’s teens.

Annual Booster Memberships:

Founding Booster Member $1000.

Double House Supporter $500.00

Single House Supporter $200.00

Friends of Mexico Mission $100.00

We welcome all families; alumni and community supporters who want to support Piedmont community teens. The Mexico program and the additional booster teen programs will uphold the integrity of non-denominational programming and welcoming to all. PCC Mexico Magic Boosters is 100% volunteer run, 501 (c) 3 non-profit, #47-5486131. Donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.

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