Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category


Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Debbi DiMaggio

remembering your dreams

wake up

take note




I am on a fact finding trip in LA and found myself dreaming, once again.  Away from the cluttered life of home, work and just the day to day stuff that keeps us so uber occupied, mind, body and soul.  I found myself waking up every now and again throughout the night.  My mind filled with dreams.  Dreams that woke me enough that I had to get up and start penning my thoughts so I could share them with you.  I rolled over and felt for the hotel note paper and pen that laid on the bedside table.  It was dark.  I did not turn the light on but began to jot down short phrases and words so that I could remember.

The most vivid of the various snapshots, which were my dreams, was of a baby.  I was holding a baby in a hospital.  He was asleep.  He woke up and smiled at me.  He was frail and I knew instinctively he was hungry.  Although frail and unsure who I was he was smiling.  We connected.  I was looking down at him with pure joy.  I knew I had to feed him and that he nor I could wait for the doctor or nurses to arrive.  Adam sat calmly in the corner waiting, not phased, as he is used to the craziness of the situations to which I find myself.  I drew the baby closer to me and began to nurse him.  He continued to smile and I even produced milk for him to drink.  My parents came in and my mom quickly responded as I asked for assistance with his diaper.  It was too big and falling off.  He needed to be cared for and I suppose, I needed to be needed.*


I’ve been wanting a third child for sometime.  After 40 I knew it wouldn’t happen.  Now I find myself old enough to be a grandma!  But my daughter is no where near ready nor should she be at 20.  I now understand how women get so excited and antsy for their children to have babies.

I understand that my many ideas, projects and the products I have created, such as my skincare line, my book and my t-shirt line, to name a few, stem from a desire to do more.  I always felt I needed something more or more to do on top of just selling real estate and raising a family.  Not that that isn’t a lot, it is, but I still need something more.  I’m still trying to figure out what that something more is.

I’ve longed to have another baby, at least I think that’s what I have wanted.  Someone to love, to care for and to nurture, just like the baby in my dream.

Having awoken from this vivid dream of loving and caring for and smiling at this darling, frail baby boy I couldn’t remain in bed or have gone back to sleep.  My eyes popped open, this time, around 4:15 AM – it was a restless night and I continued waking up and going back to sleep again.  The first time I just made a few notes in the dark – I haven’t looked to see if my writing is even legible.  I tried to remain in bed with the lights out and even tried to go back to sleep, but I was just so curious about the meaning of this baby that I had to get up and turn on my computer.  It’s still dark outside.  I began my research online.  I turned on the TV which is playing soothing meditation music on the hotel channel and I begin to write.

Here is what I found on line — upon my first Google search.


To see a baby in your dream signifies innocence, warmth and new beginnings. Babies symbolize something in your own inner nature that is pure, vulnerable, helpless and/or uncorrupted. If you dream that the baby is smiling at you, then it suggests that you are experiencing pure joy. You do not ask for much to make you happy. If you find a baby in your dream, then it suggests that you have acknowledged your hidden potential.

The moral of this story is that I am here in LA – Beverly Hills on a fact finding mission to learn how I can publicize my book and develop my brand.  I am here in search of what’s in store for me this year.  As each year I embark on a new project, and it’s that time once again.  The ideas start to pop up in my dreams while I sleep.  And when I awake I have a new mission.

Stay Tuned for More!

Please email me your comments, thoughts, questions and/or personal stories here or directly to

As always,

Dream Big and Believe!!

XOXO! Debbi

PS.  Here’s to new beginnings!

I just love change, the journey and the unplanned experiences in life.

*being needed: my children are fast approaching age 17 and 20 and myself, 48!  They are mature and capable kids but I miss not being able to help and do more for them.  Right now our son Chase is in Chicago at a lacrosse tournament.  It’s the first tournament we have not attended.  We know it is important for him to go with his team, on his own.  But as a mom who wants to cheer him on, offer him encouragement and is able to be there, it’s simply difficult not to be there with him.  And our daughter Bianca is almost 20 and is working at Pandora. We are so proud of her!  The other day I cried when she told me that her friend would be taking her to the doctor.  I was stunned. I didn’t mean to cry nor did I think I would cry.  But as I drove down the street headed to my own appointments I was saddened by the fact that she didn’t need me and would go it alone, without me.  In the end both Bianca and Chase are capable and self-sufficient and it is time for me to let them continue to grow and blossom.  Chase and his 5 buddies almost missed the flight to Chicago.  I suppose if my husband Adam and I were there we would have been monitoring the boys and it wouldn’t have happened.  But then what lesson would they have learned?  Life is about many, many small lessons and mistakes.  And so it is. HO!

foods with benefits // chart your course

Sunday, March 3, 2013
Debbi DiMaggio

Writing is my therapy.

Penning my thoughts is where my goal setting begins, where I discover myself and chart my path.

It is something I do when I am trying to wind down and relax. It helps me to stop working, cleaning the house, or any number of other things that keep me from simply stopping. It’s a place where I am able to move more slowly and allow my thoughts to flow. I am prompted to open my MacBook when my mind becomes flooded with thoughts. I am usually inspired and moved to write when I have something to share. When my mind begins to reel it is at that time when I know that if I don’t stop and write out my thoughts it will consume me until I do.

I begin….and sometimes I don’t know what’s coming next.

I try to identify my mood, my feelings, and the place where I am. I always seek to inspire, teach or simply share what I am experiencing. Sharing with others creates a connection, a bond and even a friendship. At the very least, words written and common experiences shared, help to motivate us or make us feel a little better, more normal and sometimes it gives us new insights, gets us back on track and makes us realize we all want or need similar things.

Many times it’s about my children. It might be a story about a big win, or a big loss, or a lesson learned through teamwork or from a coach.

Sometimes it’s about travel or starting a new workout regiment, a New Year’s resolution or a Bucket List goal, but today it’s about eating healthy. It seems so commonplace to discuss diet and health, but now in my late 40’s the whirling thoughts seem to be on the forefront of my mind like a bright pink post-it note stuck to my forehead! So what else does a writer and teacher, at heart, hope to do – well, yes… teach, share and inspire.

January 2013 goals and resolutions kicked off like no other. Last year I focused on identifying a workout regiment that was fun and made me happy. Music usually does that, so for me, I quickly discovered that an exercise regiment with music was best.

This year it’s all about eating for the benefits of not only, weight loss and maintenance, but for health.

And my story begins here: It was December once again and the time of year when the real estate market tends to taper off. It is also the time of year when I have the “time” to make my personal appointments and focus on myself.

It was the afternoon of New Year’s Eve. My husband and son dropped me off and headed off to the Marin DMV so our son could take his driver’s test. I sat in the waiting room at the CPMC Breast Center in San Francisco awaiting my results. It was the second round testing. The first test, my annual mammogram, found an unidentifiable something, which prompted a call from my doctor that I needed to return for advanced testing.

As I sat in my dull gown surrounded by other worried women, some young, some old, some with friends, some alone, some with parents, some with children; I looked into their eyes wondering. I am certain we all had the same fleeting thoughts, none positive, of that I am certain. I tried to be strong as thoughts filled my mind like misfiring synapsis — “I will not live to see my daughter get married. I will not live to see my son play lacrosse in college. I will not… ” My next thoughts: “people beat cancer by eating healthy and following a special diet. Eating the right foods…. fruit, vegetables, salmon, and so on and son on….”

My mind was spinning like the tea cups in Never Neverland at Disneyland, faster and faster until….

A very kind woman looked over to me and said, “I love your boots!” I’ve been watching you since you came in.” The other ladies chimed in too. They all asked about my boots and were very complimentary. Everyone was so nice. That too, made me want to cry.

It was New Year’s Eve and our son had a big day ahead of him. Getting your driver’s license is such a huge milestone in one’s life. I chose to dress for my death sentence and /or for our early New Year’s Eve dinner (we were staying in as we like to, and our son, age 16, of course would be going out to ring in the New Year). But at least we would have his company for an early dinner.

The last time I sat in that room, all wearing the same uniform, feeling like a numbered prisoner, rather than a person, I decided I would look good even if I didn’t feel so happy. So I wore a cute outfit. Fashion always makes me smile.

I am sure many of you have either experienced what I went through last December or know someone who has. It never gets easier. The waiting is always the hardest part.

What’s the correlation, you are probably asking, just about now. While sitting in the waiting room I vowed to eat healthier. To start eating fruit and vegetables, and other super foods that help to reduce the risk of cancer.  ( I usually don’t eat enough fruit or vegetables, unless they are tossed in a salad. )

And so my quest to change my typical diet of breads and sweets ended on January 1st and my focus on eating healthy commenced —New Year’s Resolution 2013.

If you’ve read any of my blogs or posts you know I love to share, be it Facebook, or Twitter, my Debbi DiMaggio Blog, the Piedmont Patch Blog or on Pinterest.

Follow me on Pinterest to see my new favorite foods. Fruits and vegetables, calcium for strong bones, protein – salmon, chicken and sometimes even a hamburger wrapped in lettuce. I am trying to be reasonable so I posted a few of my favorite sweet treats too. And don’t forget to drink water, lots of it. Add lemon, lime or cucumber and pour into a pretty glass.

Here are some other fun facts and healthy tips:

Tip #1

Cayenne Pepper  I put it on everything! Popcorn, salmon, salads. ( it makes my husband and kids nuts! )


Tip #2

Wear What You Love and Adorn Your Surroundings with Things You Love Too:

Eating healthier will make you look and feel better.

Wear a favorite outfit everyday. You will be inspired to eat better, as you begin to feel better, and continue to look better, everyday.

Tip #3

Fill Your Home with Flowers:

Since you aren’t buying junk food, cakes, cookies, candy, breads and other items, then spoil yourself with a fresh bouquet of flowers – my favorites are pink peonies and tulips – purple, orange, yellow and pink.



Tip #4:   Cucumbers

Eat plain or in a salad.  Slice them up and pop in your mouth. Cucumbers are a good source of Vitamin A, C and K among other positive attributes.


Tip #5:   Lemon and Lemon H20

Drink 8 – 8oz glasses a day.



Tip #6:   Salmon

Preferably organic, sustainable and fresh.

Tip #7:   Weight Loss:  It’s no surprise nor is there a magic pill. You just need to eat less and exercise more. No bread, no sweets, no carbs. Drink lots of water. Eat fish, chicken, vegetables and fruit. Well, not just any fruit. Apples, berries, oranges are best. If you stick to those food groups, go to bed early, and exercise often, you will lose unwanted pounds. But it takes time and discipline.

And finally:

Foods with Benefits  Top 10 Cancer Fighting Foods

50 of the World’s Healthiest Foods by the Huffington Post

Two month’s have passed and I am happy to say that I have stuck to my mission. I have been eating healthy and choosing foods that are good for me.

One last note:  I met with my nutritionist, Amy Griffith, who also met with my husband and daughter. We all identify with foods differently. Since I do not cook and am a visual person, her menu plan for me was very different. ( Bianca and Adam are excellent cooks. )

The best lesson I learned from Amy, and I continue to reiterate as my mantra:  Eat the color of the rainbow.  That one sentence continues to help me focus on what to eat, or order, in my case! Thanks Amy!!


To Your Health!  Happy New Year!

Debbi DiMaggio




 Photos by, and In Her Image Photography



redefining the empty nest // i believe it begins when your first child leaves home

Friday, September 28, 2012
Debbi DiMaggio

Our Trip Back To College // Sophomore Year…..Three Generations // Mom, Daughter, Granddaughter


Taking my daughter back to college as a Sophomore was much easier.   As a mom of a Sophomore I can smile when I hear the comments of Freshman moms…

it’s as if I am missing a limb

it’s so strange in our house with one less

I know so well what they are feeling.

What I experienced Freshman Year was very different than what I had understood about the Empty Nest. My sadness and Empty Nest feelings did not begin when my last child left, but occurred when Bianca, my first child left, realizing that soon our son Chase and all of his friends would be gone too.

This year we turned our return trip to the University of Colorado, Boulder (CU Boulder) into a mini-vacation, and laughed the entire way, even when things didn’t turn out so well, as you will soon learn.

It was an adventure!

Three generations: My mom, Grandma Midge, my daughter Bianca and me.

A few weeks before, I found out it was going to cost us a bit more than expected. I had to pay an extra fee to make sure the movers who were shipping a container full of furniture, clothes, kitchen utensils, pots and pans, art, electronics and other miscellaneous items to Denver arrived while my mom and I were still in town.

(Note: summer flies by so if you are shipping belongings to school, plan ahead.)

It was my goal that the delivery would arrive in a small window of time so my mother and I would be front and center to unload and unpack for Bianca as she settled into her new and first apartment.

We flew out on Friday afternoon in August, arriving in Denver to a City bursting with activity. Colorado Rockies Fans flocked Coors Stadium as the baseball game began. It was familiar, because Coors Stadium is architecturally reminiscent to our own AT&T Park in San Francisco.

It was a warm summer night and the streets were lined with people strolling, restaurants bustling, and patrons dining al fresco under the stars. Our destination: The Four Seasons, Denver. Located in the heart of the City just down the street from the Denver Convention Center, the Denver Performing Arts Complex and Larimer Square. It reminded me of Chicago, for its tall buildings, stunning architecture and flat streets. We checked in, quickly unpacked, and then headed out for dinner to Charcoal Restaurant, known for its contemporary, European fare. It was the first of many delicious meals we enjoyed throughout the weekend, always fresh and beautifully presented.

Out on the streets of Denver the next day, coffee in one hand, my iPhone in the other, I couldn’t help but to notice the architecture. Simply breathtaking with such exquisite detail. One of the buildings seemed to tell a story. I snapped photos, intrigued. Denver is a very walkable city, very flat and easy to navigate. Do not forget, Denver is called the mile high city for a reason, so drink plenty of water and know that you will have to adjust to the high altitude. Don’t be surprised if you are caught off guard as you won’t realize just how high up you really are. But you will feel it, eventually.

Saturday morning was our big day. Grandma Midge, Bianca and I headed out to do what we came to do.

First stop, Bianca’s new apartment in Boulder. My mom and I were happily surprised to see that her new apartment was updated and like new. Grandma had come equipped with rubber gloves and cleaning supplies having recalled my first apartment near UCSB. No gloves needed!

Bianca was greeted by her first roommate with a huge hug and lots of screaming. She was home.

After enduring so much sadness and worry just one year before, I was happy to see that Bianca was quickly acclimating to her new home. Knowing she was going to be sharing an apartment with such great girls, whom she had met last year in the dorm, put my mind at ease.

It is important that a Freshman experience dorm life in order that they are able to meet new people, make new friends and be part of a community. Getting settled in your second year with wonderful roommates, as well being able to prepare your own meals in your own kitchen makes life much more comfortable. All of these small things contributed to making her Sophomore year a much easier pill to swallow, for all of us. I cried a little less this time when I said good-bye.

The clock began to tick and we needed to get to work. Grandma walked around the apartment with a keen eye, assessing the new apartment. Bianca and her buddy giggled with delight and instantly started catching up. I ran downstairs, jumped into the rental car and went to the U-Haul gas station, dingy and greasy. I approached a man with his head buried in paperwork. He looked up when I joyfully said, “I need to rent a U-Haul for an hour.”  He retorted gruffly, “they are all booked.”

( Well, if you know me, than you know, I don’t take NO for an answer. I was not leaving until I got my U-Haul. I had a job to do! )

This man did not know my plan nor my short window or time. No was simply not an option. I said, “okay, if the small ones are reserved, I’ll take the large one.” He tried to brush me off and said I could go down the street to some other place. I didn’t even hear what he said. I said, “no, really, I only need it for an hour.” “I’ll take any size you have and bring it back before your next renter comes in.” He finally relinquished to the fact that I was not going away, I was not going to budge.


I parked my small, brand new, blue rental car and hopped into the cabin of the U-Haul. It was huge! But I meant business, we had a lot to do in very little time. I pulled into Bianca’s apartment complex before my mom and daughter even realized I had left. There were many obstacles we had to overcome.

Obstacle #1: The U-Haul was fairly tall, so I almost hit the top of the apartment building. I double parked in front of three parking garages, breaking all the rules. I found myself stuck, faced the wrong way as I tried to pull back and forth in order to turn around. To no avail. A friendly, college boy waiting for his girlfriend, got my attention and offered to rescue me. I was so relieved and hugely thankful. I gladly jumped down from my new huge U-Haul and the nice college boy somehow managed to get it out of the parking lot.

In climbed Grandma and Bianca. It was a sight! The three of us lined up on those rickety torn black seats, bumping up and down as we meandered down the road. Actually it was sort of fun and ridiculously funny.

In one fell swoop we unpacked the storage unit, loaded up the truck, removed our lock and CHECKED Item #1 off my TO DO list. Back in the U-Haul, again, we bounced our way out of the storage place and down the narrow alleys towards the exit. Bianca closed the account, and we were off.

After numerous phone calls, the shipping company could not guarantee a delivery before 5PM on Monday. My mind raced as I pondered the situation. Quickly calculating our timing and all we had to get done prior to our departure flight on Tuesday, I grabbed my phone and called Mr. U-Haul, “Would you mind if I keep the truck all day?” He replied, ‘it’s fine, it’s all yours, keep it all day.’  I turned to mom and Bianca and said, “okay girls, we are going to Denver!” ‘In this??’ they replied. Mind you, Denver is at least 30 minutes away and not easy in such an over-sized vehicle.

Upon getting the directions to the dock and confirming Bianca’s items were in fact there and available 24 hours a day, we could go anytime. So off we went, to the dock. Grandma way over in the passenger seat, Bianca in the middle snapping photos, and I behind the wheel as we bounced down the highway, laughing all the way.

Without too much difficulty, we had made it. Rows and rows of trucks and unhitched trailers filled the quiet yard with no one to be seen. It was as if we were in an episode of 24 and Jack Bauer would be coming around the corner at any moment and Columbian cartel soldiers with machine guns would begin shooting. (Yes, I have a vivid imagination, indeed.)

We found a worker who welcomed us, with a slight chuckle, said we were here but we had to go around the corner and to the office. We all three jumped down and headed over, including Grandma who is 5’3”. So when I say jump down, I mean jump down. Eventually we found a gal sitting in a small desk in a huge open room in the back corner. She buzzed her team to retrieve our belongings.

Down came the first mega container. It was enormous! We all smiled and waited. Container #2: a bit smaller than #1 but still HUGE. He assured us that our 3rd container was smaller. As we waited we stared at the wrapping and steel straps. There was no way we could get into the container, let alone strong enough to dismantle the items that were stacked tightly and vertically. The third and final container made its way to us.  The containers were all so heavy he was using a fork lift!  Now I had to convince this guy to unwrap and unload it for us.  Obstacle #2

I nervously smiled and asked, “do you think you could help us unpack and load the truck?”  I took a deep breath, as he replied, “yes.” This very nice man was taking the time to help us, wrestling with the packaging, and unloading each of the containers just as I had hoped. A huge sigh of relief.

Moving through my TO DO list, and because of the kindness of people willing to help us, we were now a few days ahead of schedule! YEA!

Happy and relieved we climbed back into our truck, swung around, and off we went back to Boulder.

Still on the list: Mattress Delivery, DMV, Container Store, Bookstore, Bank, Grocery Shopping, the unexpected… will we ever get to rest?

A quick lunch and run through the Container Store, we arrived back to Bianca’s apartment and happily found all of her roommates and one of the mom’s who all helped us to unload the U-Haul. A large lounge for the living room, a huge flat screen TV, multiple lamps, shelves, bookcases, art and boxes and boxes of clothes and so much more. But it was done! We unpacked and unwrapped the easy stuff and then I disappeared to return the U-Haul, now 5PM.

We said good-bye to her roommates and promised we would bring Bianca back to them soon.

Back through the glass doors at the Four Seasons, past the doormen and their smiling faces, we made our way to our room for a quick rest, shower and regroup.  Just down the street we ate at a restaurant called, Tamayo. In three words: delicious, fresh & interesting. Their website says it best: “with a comprehensive and seasonally-changing menu that marries the freshest ingredients to bold, new culinary approaches…”

The three of us hit the pillow that night– Grandma fast asleep, Bianca watching a movie from beginning to end, and me falling asleep mid-movie, as I always do.

Sunday was another beautiful and new day.

I had decided on Saturday that we all deserved to take Sunday off as I knew we would all be fatigued after all of the moving and unpacking so I called the Spa at the Four Seasons and booked us each a massage.

A walk in the neighborhood followed by breakfast at the bustling Market Deli and Coffeehouse, a local favorite. Mind you, during the in between times I was on the phone and email staying on top of my real estate business. Keeping it contained, as I tend to do, I kept all of my stress hidden so that Grandma and Bianca could focus on the move and not get distracted.

Following a quick change, we headed to the famous Brown Palace Hotel, recognized for their High Tea Service.  It is a historic hotel which dates to the 1890’s, and is known for hosting all US Presidents since its opening, but one (President Coolidge). Tea was lovely, and people watching was very entertaining. Most guests were wearing hats and gloves, men in suits, and everyone in their Sunday best.

I had no idea what excellent chefs and restaurants Denver has to offer. We quickly learned last year that Boulder has some of the best restaurants, too. Of course, Italian is one of my favorites. I could eat a caprese salad and thin crust pizza every day. And having discovered burrata cheese, I order burrata almost everywhere I go. YUM!

Osteria Marco, an Italian restaurant was our choice. It came highly recommended. You guessed it right. We enjoyed burrata cheese, antipasti, a salad and finally a fig and prosciutto thin crusted pizza.

The DMV in Boulder was our first stop on Monday. Obstacle #3: When we arrived mid morning, the line was already hours long. We decided Bianca would sit in line, and read a few magazines to keep occupied. I drove Grandma back to the apartment to await the mattress delivery and unpack her piles of clothes.

Note: Obstacle #4 – You need a printed check (which is an entire story in itself) and a copy of your lease for proof of residency for the DMV.

I drove back to the DMV to sit with Bianca for another hour.  When I overheard someone ask the clerk at the front, ‘what time of day is quieter?’  The stone-faced woman replied, ‘Thanksgiving.’ Three hours later it was Bianca’s turn. We quickly learned, gaining in-state status is not as difficult as I had thought. A few questions later, a snap of the camera, and a hole punch to her California Driver’s License, she was one step closer to being a Colorado resident. ( Having already registered to vote in the state of Colorado last year. )

Back to the apartment we meandered, the bed had been delivered, boxes and boxes unloaded and empty boxes disposed of, we were now ready to go back to Denver, shower and make our dinner reservation at Bistro Vendome. But that would not happen…

We said our good-byes, one last time to her roommates, but as we got to our rental car, Bianca searched for the keys, and could not find them. We searched high and low and in all our purses, repeatedly. I searched the dumpster and emptied boxes. We went through her entire room, under her mattress and between her sheets, to no avail.  So I called the rental car office and asked, “what if we can’t find the keys?” she replied, ‘find them.’ I said we could not find them, and needed to know our options. We had to pay a service to drive to the rental car agency near the Denver airport, pick up the spare key, then  drive out from Denver to Boulder to bring the replacement key to us. It was a costly mistake. But I still wonder, where o’ where did those rental car keys go? I will always wonder.

Although Obstacle #5 was a bummer, we were given a gift.

The Gift and Obstacle #5 – the missing keys. Bianca and her roommates felt bad since I had to pay $300 for the both the courier and to replace the rental car keys. Bianca felt truly awful, since she had misplaced them, and we were all tired, and grandma was getting really dizzy from the altitude.

But in the end, it was an amazing two hours spent with the girls. Sitting in their newly decorated living room, enjoying their stories and just talking. Those few hours were precious to me.  It will be one of those moments that I will cherish forever. A mishap turned into a gift.

  • Enjoy unexpected moments

  • Turn a negative into a positive

We still had another 18 hours left together as Three Generations, which continued to be fun and funny. But, I will end on that note, as it really was, the icing on the cake.


Debbi  ( Mom )

To Note:  I have heard from so many moms that taking and leaving your child at college is like leaving part of your body behind… Turning that sadness into a positive helped me to create Contained Beauty.

In my personal experience, the empty nest syndrome sets in when the first child departs…not your last.

This affects thousands and thousands of parents every year…

2012 Freshman Class Size – Empty Nest..

While not a diagnosis, yet, it is discussed by the medical community: Empty Nest Phenomena

It is family weekend, once again at CU Boulder.  Chase, Adam, Grandma and Grandpa will be enjoying a fun weekend with Bianca.  This year I will be staying back for the George Mark Children’s House Autumn Gala, 2012.  Sometimes, even I can’t do it all !  XOXO!  Go BUFFS!!

Fun Times Last Year // Freshman Year 2011

Bianca, Grandpa Vince, Grandma Midge, Noni, Adam and I.  (Chase was unable to attend due to his football schedule, but he made one of his first touchdowns and you could hear us all shouting from Boulder!)


going south for the summer // city, beach or suburbs // los angeles

Saturday, July 28, 2012
Debbi DiMaggio

Going South for the Summer? Looking for a weekend get-a-way before summer comes to an end?

Sometimes I like to get in my car and just drive.  Poor cell reception is a good thing, sometimes.  Listen to music or just enjoy the silence and point your car south, on the straight road ahead – it’s just about a 5 ½ hour drive.  Of course, depending on if you stop or not.  I actually enjoy the trip, it gives me time to clear my head and just be.  (If I do stop, it’s Harris Ranch for lunch.)

City, Beach or the Suburbs – It’s up to you – there are so many neighborhoods to choose from.

Stay:  Beverly Wilshire, Four Seasons – Location, Location, Location, if you love to shop and people watch.  We were in town for our son’s LAX tournament — Tinsel Town Throw Down.  July is birthday month for our son, Chase and our daughter Bianca, myself, as well as my dad’s birthday and our wedding anniversary.  The celebrations are non stop in July!

Shop:  Rodeo Drive

One of the windows at Tiffany’s on Rodeo Drive

Stay, Spa, Sun or Swim at the Four Season’s BW Hotel – on the weekends they have a DJ spinning tunes poolside.  The Spa is definitely one of the most luxurious.


Sip @ Nic’s Beverly Hills – step inside the VodBox – The Vodka Hostess leads you a full- length faux fur and Russian style hat. The temperature drops to a chilly 28 degrees F.

Dine beneath the stars @ Via Alloro  (recent sighting Matthew Modine) or Caffe Roma – al fresco dining at it’s best.

Chase & Adam @ Caffe Roma

Destination: Beverly Hills / West Hollywood

Stay:  L’Ermitage Beverly Hills – Sophisticated and private… And I love the rooftop pool!

Shop Robertson – many boutiques to choose from, and Kitson is always one of the busiest

Indulge:  Book a mani pedi @ Bellacures  – I had the best pedicure ever – make sure to ask for the works: Scrub, Mask, Moisturize, Massage & Polish — A creature of habit, I tend to stick with what I love, so I always get the French Pedicure.

People Watch:  @ the Ivy, one of LA’s hottest lunch spots for celebrity sightings – call ahead to make a reservation and be sure to ask for a table on the patio – French, floral and comfortable.

After shopping all day a relaxing dinner at Eveleigh is just what you need – a very hip indoor-outdoor hot spot where cowboy chic meets restoration hardware. You’ll have to just see for yourself.  I guarantee.  It’s super cool!


Roasted Hot Peppers, One of my Favorites on the Menu

WeHo:  Fun in West Hollywood

Stay:  The Chamberlain in the heart of West Hollywood – a chic and glamorous neighborhood hotel – and my favorite rooftop pool in the City with views of Sunset Blvd.   They keep the pool heated to 90 degrees, my preferred temperature!

 featured in my four-colour, hardcover coffee-table book soon to be released

contained beauty: photographs, reflections, swimming pools by debbi dimaggio

Take in a show & dance @ the Roxy on Sunset

Wine & Dine @ one of the many outside restaurants on Sunset Plaza reminiscent of the South of France.

Dine or Sip @ Katana robata & sushi bar – Enjoy a pre dinner cocktail from the outdoor lounge overlooking Sunset Blvd

Sip @ Chateau Marmont – a cool Hollywood hangout

Shop or Catch a movie @ the Grove

Recent sightings – David Spade and Jennifer Hudson


For a More Beachy Experience….head West to Santa Monica

Shop the Third Street Promenade @ other funky and chic Santa Monica shops

Dine @ Tar & Roses

Sip poolside @ the Viceroy Santa Monica – also featured in contained beauty.

Get your heart pumping atop the Ferris Wheel on the Santa Monica Pier


Take a Drive up the PCH to Malibu

Stay:  Malibu Beach Inn

Swim, Surf or Sun:  All along the West Coast from Malibu to Redondo Beach

Shop and Star-Gaze @ the Malibu Country Mart

The James Perse Boutique

Paparazzi sighting… Rachael Zoe wearing one of her boho chic maxi dresses and signature floppy hats.

Dine & Wine:  Under the stars and the moon @ Duke’s Malibu or Moonshadows

Get Inspired @ one of the many beautiful Beaches* along the PCH or visit  The Getty Villa or the Getty Museum.

There is always so much to discover.



*Beaches To Note: From South to North

·      Manhattan or Hermosa

·      Santa Monica near Shutters on the Beach

·      Santa Monica at PCH

·      Malibu Pier across the street from the Malibu Country Mart

·      Zuma Beach

·      Paradise Cove Beach & Restaurant modeled after the South of France

Thanks for stopping by!

summer series // seattle, washington

Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Debbi DiMaggio

Travel Log: Summer Series 2012
Seattle, Washington

When I travel to a new place, I bring my sense of wonder with me. I look for things to discover and wait to be inspired. I prefer to get to know a city in just four days and three nights.

If you are considering heading north to SEATTLE, here are a few of my highlights.

Fairmont Olympic Hotel
The Fairmont is a Traditional hotel with stunning Georgian architecture. My favorite feature is the indoor heated pool and spa. (I always try to stay at a hotel with a pool.)

W Hotel – Hip and Swanky
A favorite spot for locals and tourists after work or at play.

Four Seasons Hotel
Perched above the Puget Sound in a beautiful modern high rise. Four Seasons service has never been anything less than superior; consistent, tried and true.

By Air, Land or Sea


A great way to see the city surrounded by water:  All Sight Seeing Tours

Seattle Seaplanes offers charter flights and tours to Mount Rainier, Mount St. Helens, the San Juan Islands and other locations throughout the Pacific Northwest.  Seattle Seaplanes

Walking Tour
The World’s Greatest Walking Tour – The Seattle Walking Tour


Stroll Pike Place Market

The Market is filled with beautiful flowers and fresh vegetables. Watch the butchers playing catch with large, slippery salmon as they throw the fish over the heads of wide-eyed tourists. Indulge in a sampling of fresh, brightly colored fruit or something sweet from one of the many bakeries.  And don’t forget to stop by the original Starbucks. It is certainly true, there is a Starbucks on every corner.  PIKE PLACE MARKET

Try any one of the Tom Douglas restaurants for lunch or dinner. Etta’s, Lola’s and Dahlia Lounge to name a few… each with their own style and cultural flair.

Queen City Grill
A local favorite in Belltown – Old school, comfortable and friendly. Sit and chat with the locals at the bar or enjoy a private booth.

El Gaucho

Every time I visit El Gaucho  I see Jim Carey and Cameron Diaz spinning around the dance floor right out of a scene from the movie, “Mask.” Dimly lit, piano being played in the background while chefs and waiters prepare various dishes table side from Caesar salad to flaming kabobs or bananas foster. It’s an interactive dining experience.

You’ll notice that many restaurants, whether serving breakfast, lunch or dinner each have a bar and serve both wine and spirits. My first guess was because of the colder temperatures. But, during the summer, days go on and on… and it does actually warm up. I could not believe how light it was at 9:00 at night! Bars and restaurants are plentiful. Sip your favorite beverage while overlooking the Puget Sound or at one of the many restaurants located on one of the quintessential alleyways above Pike Place Market.


Charities define a city’s heart. You can’t walk around Seattle without seeing the “working man” sculpture. The Seattle Art Museum, known to locals as SAM, has an extensive collection of art and rotating traveling shows. A quick peak, for an hour or so, allows me just enough time to see things with a new perspective.

Isn’t that what makes traveling worth the effort?

My last piece of advice… Don’t forget your passport.

Canada is just a few hour drive, away.

There is always so much to discover!

XOXO!!  Debbi

 Alaska Air: A quick flight from Oakland to Seattle

           Video Training w/Natalie Rees & Sid Lee                                                        Jenn and Debbi               

Next Weekend

Summer Series // Beverly Hills

 LAX Tournament in LA // Tinsel Town Throwdown!

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