
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Debbi DiMaggio

remembering your dreams

wake up

take note




I am on a fact finding trip in LA and found myself dreaming, once again.  Away from the cluttered life of home, work and just the day to day stuff that keeps us so uber occupied, mind, body and soul.  I found myself waking up every now and again throughout the night.  My mind filled with dreams.  Dreams that woke me enough that I had to get up and start penning my thoughts so I could share them with you.  I rolled over and felt for the hotel note paper and pen that laid on the bedside table.  It was dark.  I did not turn the light on but began to jot down short phrases and words so that I could remember.

The most vivid of the various snapshots, which were my dreams, was of a baby.  I was holding a baby in a hospital.  He was asleep.  He woke up and smiled at me.  He was frail and I knew instinctively he was hungry.  Although frail and unsure who I was he was smiling.  We connected.  I was looking down at him with pure joy.  I knew I had to feed him and that he nor I could wait for the doctor or nurses to arrive.  Adam sat calmly in the corner waiting, not phased, as he is used to the craziness of the situations to which I find myself.  I drew the baby closer to me and began to nurse him.  He continued to smile and I even produced milk for him to drink.  My parents came in and my mom quickly responded as I asked for assistance with his diaper.  It was too big and falling off.  He needed to be cared for and I suppose, I needed to be needed.*


I’ve been wanting a third child for sometime.  After 40 I knew it wouldn’t happen.  Now I find myself old enough to be a grandma!  But my daughter is no where near ready nor should she be at 20.  I now understand how women get so excited and antsy for their children to have babies.

I understand that my many ideas, projects and the products I have created, such as my skincare line, my book and my t-shirt line, to name a few, stem from a desire to do more.  I always felt I needed something more or more to do on top of just selling real estate and raising a family.  Not that that isn’t a lot, it is, but I still need something more.  I’m still trying to figure out what that something more is.

I’ve longed to have another baby, at least I think that’s what I have wanted.  Someone to love, to care for and to nurture, just like the baby in my dream.

Having awoken from this vivid dream of loving and caring for and smiling at this darling, frail baby boy I couldn’t remain in bed or have gone back to sleep.  My eyes popped open, this time, around 4:15 AM – it was a restless night and I continued waking up and going back to sleep again.  The first time I just made a few notes in the dark – I haven’t looked to see if my writing is even legible.  I tried to remain in bed with the lights out and even tried to go back to sleep, but I was just so curious about the meaning of this baby that I had to get up and turn on my computer.  It’s still dark outside.  I began my research online.  I turned on the TV which is playing soothing meditation music on the hotel channel and I begin to write.

Here is what I found on line — upon my first Google search.


To see a baby in your dream signifies innocence, warmth and new beginnings. Babies symbolize something in your own inner nature that is pure, vulnerable, helpless and/or uncorrupted. If you dream that the baby is smiling at you, then it suggests that you are experiencing pure joy. You do not ask for much to make you happy. If you find a baby in your dream, then it suggests that you have acknowledged your hidden potential.

The moral of this story is that I am here in LA – Beverly Hills on a fact finding mission to learn how I can publicize my book and develop my brand.  I am here in search of what’s in store for me this year.  As each year I embark on a new project, and it’s that time once again.  The ideas start to pop up in my dreams while I sleep.  And when I awake I have a new mission.

Stay Tuned for More!

Please email me your comments, thoughts, questions and/or personal stories here or directly to debbi@debbidimaggio.com

As always,

Dream Big and Believe!!

XOXO! Debbi

PS.  Here’s to new beginnings!

I just love change, the journey and the unplanned experiences in life.

*being needed: my children are fast approaching age 17 and 20 and myself, 48!  They are mature and capable kids but I miss not being able to help and do more for them.  Right now our son Chase is in Chicago at a lacrosse tournament.  It’s the first tournament we have not attended.  We know it is important for him to go with his team, on his own.  But as a mom who wants to cheer him on, offer him encouragement and is able to be there, it’s simply difficult not to be there with him.  And our daughter Bianca is almost 20 and is working at Pandora. We are so proud of her!  The other day I cried when she told me that her friend would be taking her to the doctor.  I was stunned. I didn’t mean to cry nor did I think I would cry.  But as I drove down the street headed to my own appointments I was saddened by the fact that she didn’t need me and would go it alone, without me.  In the end both Bianca and Chase are capable and self-sufficient and it is time for me to let them continue to grow and blossom.  Chase and his 5 buddies almost missed the flight to Chicago.  I suppose if my husband Adam and I were there we would have been monitoring the boys and it wouldn’t have happened.  But then what lesson would they have learned?  Life is about many, many small lessons and mistakes.  And so it is. HO!

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One Response

  1. michele says:

    WOW! WHAT AN INTERESTING DREAM. Your new baby is about to be born….let’s see what it looks like! SO poignant! Have a wonderful day of meetings. I really enjoyed our time together.

    Sincerely, Michele

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