The Art of Real Estate Book Signing and Seminar went off without a hitch.
The rain even cooperated.
Approximately 70 guests attended the presentation, a mix of longtime Piedmont homeowners, including Debbi’s loyal service providers she introduced to the audience. Attendees checked in at the Piedmont Center for the Arts just before 6PM and enjoyed a glass of wine by the Boisset Collection poured by Susie Garcia, Ambassador for the wine group.
The guests mixed and mingled and by a quarter by six everyone had taken their seat. Each guest was provided a notepad, pen and Debbi’s detailed Power Point Presentation – Dymythisizing the Downsizing Process.
Michele Duffy, Debbi’s Feng Shui consultant introduced Debbi and the event was underway. Debbi briefly introduced her 5 panelists, Alan Metheny, Wells Fargo Advisors, Mark Epstein, Real Estate Attorney,
Gary Wong, CPA,
Toni Esposti, 1031 Exchange Specialist for OREXCO ( Old Republic Exchange CO )
Debbi’s brother, Mike DiMaggio, Manager of Stearns Lending.
Debbi highlighted the importance of properly preparing a home for market in order to gain top dollar for your investment. By a show of hands most of the guests have resided in their homes for over 20, 30 and a few over 45 years! No doubt these homeowners are sitting on a high value investment. She emphasized the importance of painting, staging and replacing light fixtures as a start. And reminded the group the importance of first impressions. Moreover she explained that the today’s buyer begins their search on line and if they do not like what they see they won’t take the time to step inside.
She also detailed the importance of home inspections — inspections that the seller should provide up front on many, if not all of the systems in a home. After her presentation attorney and panelist, Mark Epstein opened up his conversation by stating how impressed he was with Debbi and how thoroughly she advised her sellers to disclose and to obtain pre-inspections.
Debbi also explained her reasoning for having her seller(s) in the room while hearing offers on their home. Alan Metheny, panelist and Financial Planner for Wells Fargo Advisors agreed. He drew from his own experience when Debbi sold his mother’s home. He concurred with Debbi’s reasoning that a seller will hear inflections noted by the buyers agent during their presentation and will have a clearer picture of the buyer and the buyers agent through leading questions Debbi asks. If a seller is not present to hear offers oftentimes the multiple conversations cannot be easily translated. Alan went on to note that although in his family there were “many cooks in the kitchen” all trying to give their opinion, he was happy to report in the end everyone backed down and allowed Debbi to take the reins and do what she does best. The sale exceeded everyone’s expectations going well over the asking price.
Michael DiMaggio of Stearns Lending shared interest rates noting he believed they would remain low, while Toni Esposti and Gary Wong provided excellent tax advice and strategies to save money.
Rob Bond shared a few words after Debbi’s presentation touching upon the importance of doing the work and upgrades as Debbi suggested as well as having he home pre-inspected.
He went on to say that all marketing was done well and professional and although many don’t partake, he agreed social media marketing was a must. Rob Bond is not only the publisher of Debbi’s two books, Contained Beauty and The Art of Real Estate her book co authored with her husband and partner Adam Betta but he is also a very satisfied client.
In the end Debbi opened the floor up to questions
and depending on the question the appropriate panelist would answer. Of course in true Debbi fashion she announced each and every service provider who attended the event. She repeated a comment made by a recent seller said to her — “you are like the conductor of an orchestra – you seemingly bring your people together and everyone works seamlessly side by side.”
Debbi went on to thank her loyal service providers including the panelists noted above… and Rob Terry, HIGHLAND PARTNERS Realtor and Coordinator, Nicole Peterson, Realtor and friend Debbi mentors, Dylan Garner, Home Inspector, Tom and Felix of Strauss Carpet, Michael Friedes, Designer, Steve Adams, Designer/Organizer, Shirley McElhattan of St.Paul’s Towers, John Holmgren, Lender, Stewart Anderson and Andrea Steiner of First American Title Co, Quentin Bacon, Photographer and Storyteller, Michele Duffy, Master Feng Shui Consultant and Publisher, Rob Bond to whom convinced her that longtime Piedmont homeowners really needed this seminar and to hear what she had to say.
Debbi even included a list of the names and numbers of her preferred provider list in her presentation and gave it out freely to her guests. A coveted list and a resource not many Realtors would openly share.
After the presentation was over guests mingled a bit longer while Debbi autographed The Art of Real Estate on their way out. One resident even came down from her second home in Napa just to attend the evening. Debbi was overwhelmed with gratitude and appreciation and was humbled by the attendance.
1. A seller / homeowner can do as much as they choose or as little as they choose when preparing their home for market. Debbi will provide her wish list and guidance, but it is up to the seller to make final decisions.
2. Debbi has access to organizers, packers and estate sale providers to assist all of her clients with their downsize and move.
3. Debbi will organize, coordinate and manage the entire process.
4. A home is one of the biggest investments in a person life, so Debbi believes doing the preparation work prior to market will allow the seller to maximize their investment.
5. Debbi has a resource for every need you may have.