Obsessed | Addicted | Dedicated

Sunday, November 8, 2015
Debbi DiMaggio

+ sayings


obsessed SC

with SoulCycle




to Vicoletto Italian Restaurant in North Beach, San Francisco


con vongole

Sicilian Wine

A creature of habit, I tend to order the same thing all of the time. When I eat pasta, it’s only Linguine con Vongole.

I always start with burrata – I first tried, even first heard about Burrata was at A-16 in San Francisco with a friend I met in Beverly Hills just walking down the street with my daughter Bianca. Nicola is his name, and he worked for Giorgio Armani, the man himself, in Milano. It was than I fell in love! ( With burrata that is. ) And for dessert, always, Tiramisu. I believe I first became obsessed with Tiramisu was at Jackson-Fillmore in Pacific Heights in San Francisco. Adam and I dined at JF almost every Friday or Saturday night during our first years together.  When I got pregnant, Adam used call in my order and go pick it up. He would always bring our own plate. It was soooo delicious! ( Pictured above, a new Sicilian wine we discovered at Vicoletto. Magnifico! )


Dedicated to Philanthropy

East Bay Agency for Children Masquerade Ball 2015

Boys’ and Girls’ Towns of Italy

Salvation Army

Cancer League

Children’s Hospital – UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland

George Mark Children’s House

East Bay Agency for Children

Giveback Homes

Mexico Magic Mission Trip

and so many more!

Giveback Homes Debbi DiMaggio and Adam Logo

Join me on this journey – Adventure, Family, Philanthropy, Responsibility, Travel, Real Estate, Home & Design | Debbi DiMaggio A Grateful Life!

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One Response

  1. Kathi Olson says:

    Making me hungry

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