Posts Tagged ‘inspiration’

if only my eyes could take photographs // inspiration comes in all forms

Sunday, December 16, 2012
Debbi DiMaggio

if only my eyes could take photographs…i would share it all with you:

If you’ve ever read one of my posts, follow me on Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter, or read my book — Contained Beauty — than you know that I am a very visual person. It is simply how I learn and how I relate.

Today my husband gifted me with my first high resolution digital camera with social media capabilities. So naturally I’m excited to be able to share more vividly with you, what I see, what I love and what I feel.

Through my words and my photographs I hope to inspire and encourage you to follow your path and embark on your personal journey, whatever that may be.

There are so many ways one can be inspired – whether it be through a photograph, through travel, watching a sports event or after a spa treatment, deep meditation or through interior design, fashion, art or dance.

May something I share with you today, ignite a passion in you tomorrow.

As Mark Twain once said, ‘The secret of success is making your vocation your vacation.’

Do what you love and happiness will surround you. Debbi


inspiration comes in all forms:

I am constantly inspired by my son and his teammates. On Saturday their team won 3 games in a row. The second game was won by just 1 point; the 3rd game went into sudden death, which in LAX is called a brave heart. A brave heart is when each team gets just 2 players, one goalie and one face-off player, and whoever gets the first goal wins the game. Super nerve-wracking!

The playoff game followed the next day, with the winner of the morning game to play our boys. The Tribe won, so both teams took the field at 11:30AM. Unfortunately, our boys not quite warmed up, almost immediately fell behind –6 to 1. However, what transpired over the next 30 minutes was an incredible turn of events. Points were made by our boys, then the other team and so on and so on until we pulled ahead after a nail-biting 50 minutes, to beat the Tribe by one, just one point, with a final score of 9 to 8.

Now if that’s not inspirational I don’t know what is! Those boys gave it their all and were not going to lose, even though they could have just sat back and given in without a fight. But they didn’t. They pulled together and made it happen! Congrats boys! A great life lesson. Keep trying even when things aren’t going your way, and Never Give Up.

Carmel LAX Braveheart Tournament // Undefeated!!


Carmel is one of our favorite weekend destinations. Not only is it easy to get to, but there are so many quaint places to stay and wonderful restaurants to choose from. To learn more about Carmel and my favorite travel destinations including, where to stay, play, dine, wine and do, simply go to the iPhone App store and search LUXE USA GETAWAYS in 4 DAYS.

what we learn through team sports // prepares us for every aspect of our own life…

Saturday, November 19, 2011
Debbi DiMaggio

Lessons Learned: Magnified

will to succeed




friends & teammates  ( my boys! )

The Piedmont High School JV Highlanders Football Season was one of celebration and lessons learned.  Of course, it would have been wonderful if the team won all of their games, however, the experience of their few losses allowed them to learn so much more.  Although I am not very knowledgeable about football, it was much easier for me to follow along then I thought.  Not only having my son’s bright shoes as a reference point, but knowing his friends on the field allowed me to understand more easily.  A proud mother, of 45 football players, I’d say.  I reveled in each game as I witnessed their quick moves, timely plays, amazing interceptions, awe inspiring completions, and knock down tackles.  As in life, lessons learned can be used in the future, whether in business or social, as an individual, or as a team… if you allow them.


Just as an actor may draw upon his or her emotions and past experiences to deliver a magnificent performance, these athletes will draw from this season… lessons of a lifetime.


applaud teammates


learn from your mistakes


leaders are not always right




the agony of defeat


false starts








re group


laser focus




the struggle makes you stronger, tougher, better






never give up: persist and perservere


thrill of victory


working together creates a more successful result


outcomes can change with the blink of an eye


never stop giving it your all


it’s never over ‘til it’s over




emotional swing






encourage your teammates






there is no substitute for preparation and hard work


show up




playbook is still unwritten




See you in the bleachers next year!


XOXO! Debbi

say no to good things // so you can say yes, to great things

Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Debbi DiMaggio
my life coach, ned kraft, shared these words with me one day while we were sitting in union square. as i listened, and repeated his words, i knew there was great truth in what he said.
we get so bogged down every day with our schedules, our children’s schedules, an assortment of appointments, invitations, community service projects, errands, events, fundraising, shopping and so much more.  many times we feel we have to say yes, yes, yes.  but truly what we should say is — yes — to really great things and allow ourselves to say no, more often.  it is very hard for me to say no, how about you?  do you say yes without consulting your busy schedule and your already over-committed life?
continually doing what is not working and always saying yes to everything, is what keeps us from saying yes to great things.  it is okay to say no, try it — with no excuse or feeling bad.  it is okay to turn away business or an invitation that doesn’t feel right, fit your schedule or that doesn’t appeal to you.
once you close one door, another door will open …. be aware of opportunities coming your way …. be ready to see, receive and accept these gifts
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