say no to good things // so you can say yes, to great things

Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Debbi DiMaggio
my life coach, ned kraft, shared these words with me one day while we were sitting in union square. as i listened, and repeated his words, i knew there was great truth in what he said.
we get so bogged down every day with our schedules, our children’s schedules, an assortment of appointments, invitations, community service projects, errands, events, fundraising, shopping and so much more.  many times we feel we have to say yes, yes, yes.  but truly what we should say is — yes — to really great things and allow ourselves to say no, more often.  it is very hard for me to say no, how about you?  do you say yes without consulting your busy schedule and your already over-committed life?
continually doing what is not working and always saying yes to everything, is what keeps us from saying yes to great things.  it is okay to say no, try it — with no excuse or feeling bad.  it is okay to turn away business or an invitation that doesn’t feel right, fit your schedule or that doesn’t appeal to you.
once you close one door, another door will open …. be aware of opportunities coming your way …. be ready to see, receive and accept these gifts
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One Response

  1. Richard Leon says:

    Thank you for the post. Very much in line a recent published Steve Jobs interview.

    “No” is your friend

    “(Innovation) comes from saying no to 1,000 things… We’re always thinking about new markets we could enter, but it’s only by saying no that you can concentrate on the things that are really important.”
    It’s so easy to reach too far… to feel like you have to say “Yes” and then get stretched too thin. Learn to say no to projects that may cause you to under-perform. Also learn to say no to friends who may need your “help” – over and over again. Say no to drama queens (and kings). And, when you know there is work or networking to do – just say no to Halo 18 and Angry Birds. Stay focused on what will drive you, your career and your passions. Everything else gets a “No, thank you.”

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