Posts Tagged ‘realtors’

A Roof Overhead // Following My Children’s Lead #WhoKnew

Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Debbi DiMaggio

Things come to us at different times in our life.  I expect they do so when we are ready to accept.

First of all, why do I always find inspiration when I am in a deep sleep and suddenly find myself awake at 3 or 4 in the morning having to get up and write?

Our children, now young adults have been raised and personally motivated to give back in their own way.  [Read More..]

the art of real estate // the art of life

Thursday, June 11, 2015
Debbi DiMaggio


Colleagues not Competitiors // It Pays to Be Kind

Saturday, January 17, 2015
Debbi DiMaggio

It is so important, from the very beginning, to choose an agent who is a team player and a collaborator, not a winner-take-all competitor. For any agent’s long-term success, he or she should cultivate relationships with other agents in the real estate community, not alienate them. We should all work as a team, rather than as individual islands. If one agent has the listing, another is going to bring the buyer; that’s just how it works, so it pays to be kind. ( Excerpt from our book, the Art of Real Estate, Residential Real Estate Hand Guide. )  [Read More..]

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