Archive for the ‘Community’ Category

connect with friends locally and expand your network around the globe through social media // so many interesting people, places and things to enjoy!

Thursday, January 7, 2016
Debbi DiMaggio

Happy New Year FrontEmail from a fellow (empty nest) mom :

Christmas Card Back Kids 2015

“While I’m typing I just want to say thank you in a larger sense.  You have such a big heart and are so open.  I love your energy and I love that you are so sharing. I so appreciate your posts.  I’m there with you.  Being an empty nester is an all new experience.  Thanks so much.  Your posts have helped me with my own challenges being an empty nester.”

Debbi, “I don’t know if you remember me or not. I am the girl you introduced to the George Mark House committee last year. I took a tour of the house and volunteered at the luncheon and auction in San Francisco. I ended up buying a house in Visalia. My mom needs me closer, so I returned to help her. I still come up to visit my daughter in Berkeley, though. I just want to say that meeting you last year was a bright spot in my time there. You were so sweet to me from the start, when I was trying to find housing. Actually, you are an inspiration to me. I love your Facebook posts regarding friends and family. I wish you a very happy new year!”


change a life | piedmont mexico mission trip

Friday, November 6, 2015
Debbi DiMaggio

Mexico Trip

It is no secret, Piedmont is an affluent community. And with that comes great responsibility. On November 5th, 2015 the PCC “Mexico Magic” Boosters Club was born. Thank you to Debi Hemmeter for spearheading the movement, gathering like minded board members and organizing the launch party.

What is the Mexico Mission Trip? Excerpt from the Piedmont Community Church “Every Spring, more than two hundred high school students and adult leaders head South to build houses  for disadvantaged communities in Mexico. In 2015, 224 students and 50 adult volunteers built 17 houses in one week!” But that is just the tip of the iceberg. [Read More..]

Piedmont, California, A Great Place to Raise A Family

Thursday, October 15, 2015
Debbi DiMaggio

One of the best aspects of raising a family in Piedmont is due to the cohesive nature of its residents.

And one of the reasons Piedmont continues to be listed as one of the top rated school systems in the country is due to the spirited parent participation.

Meet Adam Betta and Teresa Baum, Co Chairs of the 8th Annual 2015 Piedmont Highlander Classic along with the other loyal and dedicated volunteers. [Read More..]


Sunday, September 6, 2015
Debbi DiMaggio


Honoring Princess Diana and What She Stood For, Helping Others Giving Back

Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Debbi DiMaggio


As a way to celebrate the life of my role model on her birthday, I created a campaign to celebrate another young woman, fashionista and summer birthday girl –

Please Meet Tashawna. [

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