Posts Tagged ‘design’

Downsizing — After Living A Lifetime in Your Home

Saturday, February 13, 2016
Debbi DiMaggio

Downsizing with Debbi DiMaggio 01

Downsizing with Debbi DiMaggio 02

Downsizing with Debbi DiMaggio 03

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Downsizing with Debbi DiMaggio 09

Downsizing with Debbi DiMaggio 10

Downsizing with Debbi DiMaggio 11

Downsizing with Debbi DiMaggio 12

Every year homeowners consider selling their home but oftentimes just sweep that thought to the side. With the overwhelming task ahead – Where am I going to go?  How will I sort through a lifetime of treasures?  Where do I begin?  The seminar on January 13th addressed all of those questions and more.

Homeowners who have resided in their home for 20+ years attended the seminar to learn from the experts. Debbi DiMaggio, Realtor, Marketing Director and Partner at Highland Partners lead the Q and A after delivering her presentation – Demystifying the Downsizing Process. Experts included a lender, real estate attorney, CPA, 1031 Exchange Consultant and a financial planner. Read more about this event by clicking here.

Save the Date:

Debbi’s next event — Living In and Loving Your Home. Wednesday, March 2nd from 6-8PM at the Piedmont Center for the Arts just down the street from Highland Partners Piedmont.

Coming Soon:

Debbi’s new book is set to release this summer, “Real Estate Rules” – 52 ways to achieve success in real estate.

This book is a resource for Realtors seeking to improve their own business and is divided into quick and easy to read chapters with funny illustrations by animator and film director, Steve Hickner. Events will be updated on her Realtor Author Speaker Facebook Page.

If you have a question, don’t hesitate to call her. 510.414.6777 – she is always happy to assist.


Debbi’s other books can be purchased on – Contained Beauty, Photographs, Reflections and Swimming Pools makes an ideal hostess gift, while The Art of Real Estate is targeted to buyers, sellers and Realtors alike.

connect with friends locally and expand your network around the globe through social media // so many interesting people, places and things to enjoy!

Thursday, January 7, 2016
Debbi DiMaggio

Happy New Year FrontEmail from a fellow (empty nest) mom :

Christmas Card Back Kids 2015

“While I’m typing I just want to say thank you in a larger sense.  You have such a big heart and are so open.  I love your energy and I love that you are so sharing. I so appreciate your posts.  I’m there with you.  Being an empty nester is an all new experience.  Thanks so much.  Your posts have helped me with my own challenges being an empty nester.”

Debbi, “I don’t know if you remember me or not. I am the girl you introduced to the George Mark House committee last year. I took a tour of the house and volunteered at the luncheon and auction in San Francisco. I ended up buying a house in Visalia. My mom needs me closer, so I returned to help her. I still come up to visit my daughter in Berkeley, though. I just want to say that meeting you last year was a bright spot in my time there. You were so sweet to me from the start, when I was trying to find housing. Actually, you are an inspiration to me. I love your Facebook posts regarding friends and family. I wish you a very happy new year!”


©2025 Debbi DiMaggio – A Grateful Life! | All Rights Reserved | 342 Highland Ave, Piedmont, CA 94611 | +1 510.414.6777 | | Privacy Policy
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